Depression: Is the new generation more prone into this

Technology has greatly changed the way we live and believe. Our grand parents lived longer with lesser stress and demands of society. Since I started teaching in my old college, I was amazed at how the students excuse themselves due to to depression. This has amazed me. Is the new generation having a psychological main stress? Although, I belong to tge millenial age, most of my interactions cover all stages of life. There really is a benefit for the simple life. There is a risk for development. Still the question is have we focused too much on fixing our computers that we failed to fix the people?

The Principle of the White Belt

The Art of Learning by Leizandra Pugong

One of my favorite principles of excellence is “To live the teachings of the white belt”. Outside Taekwondo, this principle is applicable. Similar words are “Continuous Learning”. At some point, after we reach a certain level in our training, we go through a plateau. We tend to compromise the rigid practices and just do things for compliance. The enthusiasm of a white belt student is that he still has a lot to learn and that mindset keeps him going.

We live in a fast-paced culture where waiting is a synonym to torture. A simple buffer in the internet, a few minutes of traffic, a delay in the communication, and anything that causes us to stop and wait is already tagged as “failure”. It taught me the hard way until I finally learned the importance of time, process, perseverance, and excellence. And it is fascinating to understand that they do not contradict each other. In fact they support each other. Excellence is perfected in time. Every skill goes through a process of discipline and hard work. Experts, masters… they all had their own taste of perseverance.

When things come too easy, beware!

One of my spinning coaches, Cory Parks, always reminds us that when it feels comfortable then it means we are not working out. I couldn’t disagree more.


In Martial Arts, the white belt is the color for a beginner. Someone who has a lot to learn and is basically an “amateur”.

The white belt reminds us to always master our craft.

I myself have not kept this principle. After accomplishing a task, I feel the urge to slack off. Speaking of productivity and initiative, the rules of the white belt is simple…keep learning, keep improving. The Japanese have their own term for this “kaizen”.

Most of the greatest martial artists, practice every day, even when they have earned their black belts.

The questions is when does one earn his black belt?

I love shortcuts. Who doesn’t? It makes life easier, more convenient. Looking back through the years when I had to go through the long process rather than take shortcuts, it gave me an inner sense of confidence compared to the rare instances when I took things in a rather faster and easier pace. Taking shortcuts can prove its many benefits but those I achieved harder or through more effort and those that I really took time to prepare made lasting legacies both to me and to those I influence. 

Hit a Target!

When it comes to learning a skill, my favorite teachers advice the same…Have a Goal!

Learn not just for the fun of it but to truly make the most of out the experience. Whether you want to join a competition or simply be able to make that split, still, put a target! Aim at something!

Remember why you started it?

 I want to cross out a bucket list that has been forwarded each year in my new year’s resolution all because I could not get myself to enroll in an actual class. That’s my initial reason for saying yes when my friend, Girlie Abania crossed my desk to ask me to sign up for this Taekwondo class. When we started on day one, our teacher asked us to share our reasons and I immediately blamed my friend for dragging me into this. But of course I was just kidding. It is my personal choice and I’m actually glad to finally have the opportunity to make it a reality.

Why you are starting something may not be for all the good and noble reasons. Actions create purpose. Purpose drive us to action. It’s an egg and chicken story that really does not make sense which comes first but what we know is that they both came from each other.

So what’s your wakeup call?

Remember it doesn’t have to be philanthropic but it just have to be true to you!

Good luck on your white belt mission!

True Love is Forever

A Palm Sunday Meditation

By: Leizandra Pugong

Have you ever been unjustly accused for a sin you never committed? How did it feel? Imagine yourself surrounded by a crowd of self-proclaimed litigators who had just declared you guilty beyond unreasonable cause.

Like you I would surely take the offensive step and fight back. Revenge is sweet but today’s reading of the passion of Christ showed how Jesus endured every suffering, blame, disgust and torture of man to fulfill the will of the Father.

I recall the presiding priest asking who would love? A lawyer who is willing to defend you? A doctor who can cure your heartaches? A nurse who will care for you? A teacher who will guide you? An engineer who will rebuild your broken relationship? Or Jesus who will do everything for you?

As the holy week commence with the Palm Sunday celebration we welcome Jesus into Jerusalem and enjoin Him in His passion until we live with Him in His resurrection.

A funny “hugot” line from our priest when he requested us to ask him “Kelan ang mahal na araw?” He answered , “Hindi ko alam. Ang alam ko lang mahal kita araw-araw”.

Happy Sunday Everyone!

Gaining Financial Freedom

by: Leizandra Pugong

During one of my classes, we were asked to answer a case:

(Mr. XYZ is 28 years old working and making around $100K/ annum with $50K in his Savings. He wants more time with his wife and parents. His Goals – to do MBA, making more income, running business and love to live in the city. He has no house nor investment yet. What would you suggest considering his situation.)

My response:

I have read Robert Kiyosaki in his book “Rich Dad Poor Dad”. I would suggest you read his book to further understand the mind of the financially rich people, at the same time you will see how wealth, home, education and financial success could get really intertwined.

To find fulfillment, you must win in all areas.. You cannot have a successful business while struggling to keep your family together. You cannot focus too much on saving money without understanding the need to spend. In other words, strike a balance. It is difficult and it varies according to personality and circumstance but the mere fact that you are looking for it is enough to start.

I am starting in my career as an accountant. Sometimes, I feel lost of the so many things I want to achieve and overwhelmed by what I have to do in order to get there. Time is a constraint and resources are minimal and my spirit is impatient at times. But what else is there to do than to keep going forward.

I would like to share you some things I did.

1. Strengthen your inner circle

“If you have a dream the universe will conspire to help you achieve it.”-Paulo Coelho

I have a lot of dreams and although most of my family and friends think its a crazy idea they usually jump into the picture to help me. By involving everyone in your inner circle, you find the help you need in order to achieve your dream.

2. Keep Learning

Whether through an MBA or in the practice of your profession, learning is inevitable. The most often hindrance is that “we don’t have time” but having no time according to Robert Kiyosaki is like saying “I’m too busy driving that I have no time to stop for gas. Someday it will catch up to you.”

3. Enjoy

No matter what you do or how long it takes to get things running for your business, family and career, enjoy the ride. Sometimes feeling poverty and nothingness is a great motivation to keep you pursuing that dream. While waiting for that great apple to fall appreciate what you have now. It is an empty success when after all your achievements you don’t feel contented.

Like my favorite saying goes ” It doesn’t matter if you win or loose what matter most is how you played the game ” (Nuggets of Wisdom from Sir Roger Ambida)

My Girlie

Girlie: “Friend!!! Aalis na pala ako ng apartment. Ok lang ba sayo?”

Me: “ok lang. Sanay na akong laging iniiwan!!”


Because I am most inspired to blog when I am at my lowest. I dedicate this article to Girlie Abania. . .”Sana makunsenya ka haha! Sa tagal ng pinagsamahan natin, iiwan mo na lang ako ng ganun kadali” 😀 Anyway, kung saan ka masaya, even if it means leaving me for someone else, then I would just have to let you go! Charot!!!”


When I started at Deloitte back in 2014, my daily commute requires two rides via train, 1 ride via bus and a walk away to the office. That’s twice every day back and forth for at least another six months until I realize the stress is on the daily transportation not necessarily on my work load.


That’s when I finally decided to move out of the dormitory and leave nearer the office. Being at Walled City Dormitory since my freshman years makes it very difficult for me to leave the place. But by the time I am out of Intramuros, I look forward to the adventures of the new residence.


So I’d like you meet Girlie Abania. Code name GA (Gorgeous and Attractive)

GA is my roommate for the last one and half years at Taguig. We easily got comfortable with each other given her jolly personality. We spend Saturdays, playing badminton together or with our peers.














CHAPTER 1_ Stretch: Pushing Yourself Out of Your Comfort Zone (Article includes a throwback on World Vision Run 2015

According to Paulo Coelho’s The Alchemist, “And, when you want something, all the universe conspires in helping you to achieve it.”

It was back in May 2016 when I had a dream. Part of that dream would be a series of changes that I have to undergo including but not limited to fitness goals. In the coming chapters I will be sharing you some learning essentials from the wisdom of fitness gurus and others research to aid you in meeting your goal.

I hope you will be able to get some self-help tips as you journey with me.

If you read Paulo Coelho, you would understand that he did not mean all things will go as you planned it will. The universe will help you once you decide to pursue your dream. It will include both the beginner’s luck and a series of soul-breaking, heart-aching challenges to make you fully fit for it.

Like Santiago, my first block is to be able to admit to myself what I want and pursue it. I want to be fit and I need to start now.

By October 2016, my first gym class begin. Like going to kindergarten on the first day of class, I am clue less on what to do. I kind of wished Mom was there.

Evaluating Yourself

On the first day, the fitness instructor will check your current health status. Like seeing the doctor, they get body mass index, height, weight (Imagine how much I weigh that day), pulse rate (you’re actually have to do a little jogging for them to check how fast and slow your heart go). Next they measure your figure (belly, breast, thighs, you name it). Then you’ll have to answer a few questions. Questions include medical history of terminal illness, medications being taken, why are you starting your gym class and the like.

Like any dream in life, we have to evaluate ourselves. Preparation is key to achieving success. The right preparation begin when you know yourself. Part of knowing yourself is laying down the facts. After two hours, I learned much more than I knew about myself.

I am over weight.

Day 1: Understanding the different types of exercises

Most common types of exercises include running, dancing and spinning that falls under the category of cardio exercises. Weight-lifting, boot camps, piloxing, planking, abdominal training fall under resistance exercises. High-intensity interval training  or HIT is now becoming a popular exercise strategy. It is an interval training, a cardiovascular exercise alternating short periods of intense anaerobic exercis with less intense recovery periods.

Your work out should include a mixture of these types of exercises. Although, we normally pack our week with pure cardio exercises, strength training is an important aspect. At least twice a week, lifts weights, do more abdominal exercise, build endurance and more muscle strength.

Next Thursday, join me in another work out conversation as we talk about, goals, heath, life and more.

Meanwhile here is a throwback article on my first world vision run.

Run for Love

By: Leizandra D. Pugong

I finished my 3K run for 21 minutes and 46 seconds. It’s not much but it’s my best run yet.

You see, this is my 3rd marathon. The first two was more of a walk than a run. I remember how many times I wish I could take a detour to the finish line. But this year’s race was different. The moment I submitted my registration last May 26, 2015 I aimed to be the first in the finish line. At once, I bought my pair of shoes and begun my 20-day training before the big day. I even teamed up with my colleagues who joined the race that we will a schedule a nightly routine of jogging around BGC Park. My heart then kept saying “For the Win! Yeah!”

But….   No one is perfect!

After two days of jogging together on the first week, the following weeks of exercise were basically cancelled. Either we had been busy or we were simply not persistent. So come the day of the marathon, I didn’t ask for a spot on the fastest runners but simply prayed that I would finish the race not being last.

The event was fantastic. Well first because the registration was sponsored by Deloitte, that’s less expense for us. And RUNRIO, the team behind the event had a lot of sponsors. I enjoyed the booth hopping after the marathon. Like for example, one tent is giving away bread while the other tent gives water which is very complimentary. There is one booth that I particularly appreciate, it was the Disaster Awareness Booth. I actually just wanted to get the free whistle but I got more. The team was making a survey of how prepared we are in times of calamities pointing in particular the danger of being located in the West Valley Fault. A few minutes with them made me conscious that this event was really made not just for fun but for a much greater cause-To Save Lives! I began to notice the other booths worthy of those cause and found one that campaign for children’s education. You get to sponsor a child by donating 20 pesos a day.

After the marathon, my friends and I settled for breakfast at a fast food. I ordered coffee and when they served it I saw a message right at my cup’s cover that says “Happy Fathers’ Day”. It made me smile knowing that this day was not just a marathon day but also a Father’s Day and a Sunday. . .

. . A day well spent with fun.

The Heart Doctor Major in Listening


Too often

We speak too much, eat too much, hurt too much, stressed too much

After a short conversation with an old friend, he sent me a short text saying. “Thanks for listening”

I did nothing except Listen and he felt good about it

When I say listen, it means to give that person my 100% undivided attention to everything he wants to say.

We always wanted to be heard.

We are hurt when our words fall on deaf ears.

We got disappointed when people do not give us attention. Whether in school, at work or at home, we look for that opportunity to be noticed, seen, praised, admired, loved and heard.

According to Maslow’s Hierarchy of needs, belongingness and appreciation is next to the physiological needs of every human.


I remember that post when a man placed a poster in front of a mall with the sign saying “Free Hugs”. Sounds crazy right? But people came and lined up. At the end of the day, we see a crowd of people crying as they approached this stranger who had the guts to give everyone the one thing they think they don’t need but they actually crave for…love.


Love comes in different expressions, each depending on the giver and the receiver. We are given a wide variety of creative ways to do so.


I attended one of the seminars of Coach May. She is planning on writing a book about “Heart Work” in place of “Hard Work”. What a  wonderful idea and very warming to know that there are people willing to be heart doctors out there. People who knew that sometimes the problem is too big and yet the solution is so simple. A broken relationship that could have been solved by a simple conversation. Too much stress at work when what is needed is delegation. Grades below the passing rate when the person just don’t love the course.


It’s difficult to solve problems when we over think and over analyze.

My home remedy for a stressful work is to call a friend over for a cup of coffee. Imagine relationship being strengthened…myself being relaxed, my friend feeling enthusiastic and a flourishing relationship through the years.


That’s when I started to think what about everyone becoming a heart doctor major in listening!!!!!!!!

Yes, crazy right but when was the last time we ever listened to someone . I mean give that person’s time the best of ours, without checking our phone or emails.

Too often, we multi task, yap we are so good at it that we can eat, drink, answer emails, chat, browse the net, make that overdue report all at the same time…

We don’t have to enjoy our food because we have a work to get done. We don’t listen to all the details because we’re busy checking our phone. We always have to make that person repeat what he has to say because our mind was pre occupied with the task to be done.

We have so much in our plate that we feel we have to do it ALL!… I don’t mean you should leave the rest of your work undone or unfinished but we tend to do it ALL at the SAME TIME!

Our “to do” list is unimaginable. Our days full of meetings. Our calendar, over lapping in schedules and we still have to get the kids to school or see our friends and attend the parties we have planned for last year.

We are always busy…. There are no stop lights in the traffic of our minds.

We sleep with our brain half functioning and the rest in a nightmare.

I don’t have answers when people come to me but it feels so good to make their time so valuable that they leave happy even if the only thing I have to do is listen!!.

According to Shaa Wasmund, this is not just an ability but a skill. We can all learn to listen if we learn to stop and focus our attention unto that person in front right now.


Honestly, I was the worst listener before. Take it from my very good friend Girlie Mangahas. I can sleep right in front of her in the middle of a conversation. Although, sleeping is an innate talaent in me. It usually comes undisciplined and of course out of place most of the time.


Between fleeting thoughts, it’s really hard to focus in what the person is saying. And there is that incessant feeling to butt in and do the talking yourself. We don’t so often get tired of speaking about ourselves, other people and even events and gossips. But we so easily tire ourselves listening to a speaker, a friend who just got out of a broken relationship, and there’s your mother with all the long nagging from you’re unfolded clothes to your messy room. And we have all the reasons to escape that.

It’s not a secret that we speak too well but it is admirable to know that one has the ability to listen.

It gets things done. Though we get tired being the always go to person, you never knew the impact of giving a person that precious treasure you have… your time and attention.


I remember Baby Lynn Nagayo, another consultant assigned in the same client with me but from a different firm. She has this very cute baby girl who according to her will hold your face if you’re not looking at her when she’s speaking. That’s right; Babies know when we are not paying attention to them. Our eyes rolling somewhere. Our face in a different angle. Our phone in our hands. And they will do everything in their power to grab your attention even if it means grabbing your phone, your face to theirs or their best talent ever…just cry! Out loud and louder!!!




But adults cannot do that anymore. One coz were not cute as babies are anymore and two because sometimes we think its childish and immature. And yet too often we felt a need to get attention. We feel hurt and broken and alone and it makes us less confident than ever.


Anger they say is like a volcano. Awaiting eruption and when it does it destroys anything on its way.


When was the last time we spoke to someone we love?

When was the last time we visited an old friend and reach out to a family member?

You don’t remember because it was years ago.


The power of “How are you?”


This is the best introduction any conversation can have that can lead to almost anything from work, school, career, lovelife, adventures and events. This is where the biggest ideas and partnerships start.

Yet, we take this for granted.


We leave people unsatisfied and unconsoled…so say something good to someone today.


“The best things in life are free”

Author: Leizandra Pugong

A Tree Named For Me




In just 12 lines, Joyce Kilmer has made her mark down in history with her famous poem “Trees”.

The question for us now is what can we also contribute to this place we call earth?

We are always busy.

We don’t see the trees around the city when we go through our morning rush.

We don’t even wonder why the temperature is very different than it was before. The cold season is colder than ever while the summer is not anymore warm but hot.

Maybe we do notice but we shrug them away. Our better concern lies in the political arena where senators back stab each other, celebrities on drugs or just a plain old man dancing the latest gig on YouTube.

We are fighting amongst each other and yet we are up against a greater foe.

If there is one thing I pray it is that humanity can be united in facing the realities of its own fatal acts.

A sin against nature is a sin against God and yet it is the least of our priority to ever make up to it.

Do we have to wait until all the springs dry up, until all the animals are extinct, until air becomes a commodity before we can act?

I salute those who have time to support events for a cause such as humanitarian support against poverty, child abuse or save the earth campaigns.

Thus, Eco saves is born.

12 MBA students who have the heart and hands to come together and create a campaign to save Mother Earth. In an all in one running event, interested participants will get a chance to save a tree with the privilege of naming that tree.

This is your time to make a legacy.

Trees can live to a hundred years. Let them carry your name.

This is your moment to make a stand for Mother Earth. Protect that tree.

Join the upcoming Earist Run in December. Visit our website at for the final date and venue. The registration procedures will be posted soon.

Author: Leizandra Pugong, October 11, 2016

Live each day like it’s your last

Fb kyle tribute(A tribute to Kyle Abad Felicitas, RIP)


I was going through my normal day at the office. Thinking about loosing myself in the day’s meetings and unending client issues. I worry about not making the class meeting yesterday and about my relationship going no where. But I ended my day with a chat box in my account announcing the early death of a dear batchmate.

I suddenly stopped…unmindful of the worries that have been bugging me the whole week. My work did not seem to matter all of a sudden. My to do list of endless tasks suddenly doesn’t seem important now. I was just fixated to my computer browsing the profile of my dear friend.

I read as the sudden news flash become a trending feed in most of my friends posts proving otherwise what was once a rumor into a hard sorrowful truth.

I knew Kyle as a classmate, the old clown of the class. Petite during our high school days but always a happy go lucky type of person who always has the aura of closeness that would tell you “hey, we can be friends”

He’s just as old as I am. . .23 and yet life is over for him.

Some of my readers may never knew him as I do. I myself do not belong to his closest set of people but the kiss of death is never an uncommon turmoil.

I live miles away from my hometown. I tried to go home at least a month to visit them. He stayed way across the country as a seaman. It would have been a great news to his family for his planned return but this time …a lifeless return.

My deepest condolence to his bereaved family.

And to those who lived to share a piece of life longer. It’s our wake up call. The cliché “Life is too short” is a hard core truth. If you’re wondering around looking out for the meaning of life, you better get it going fast otherwise remember TIME is a resource you an never renew. Spend it well with the ones you love, with the work you love and live each day like its your last!